is a powerful tool. One that is often undervalued or underused, but in the last
few days at both the Diabetes UK Professional Conference (#DUKPC)
and the Diabetes UK Professional Conference Insider (#DUKPCInsider) event it
was great to see things being looked at from and by different people.
The last few days have, for me, been enlightening. Not just because I learnt so much from the lectures I attended, but also because I got a brief 'glimpse' of the drive and effort of so many of the Healthcare Professionals working within the field of diabetes. As a bonus - I also got to meet many of these wonderfully determined clinicians, nurses and diabetes professionals who are trying to push care and standards forward for not just their own patients, but for the patients of the NHS as a whole.
From the first day of the DUKPC, where Chris Askew set the scene for the next
few days - making the great decision to mention the DUKPCInsider event that was
running on the Saturday and how it would be bringing the highlights of the conference
to those living with diabetes. On the same day Simon Stevens the CEO of the NHS
announced that £40 million pounds was being allocated to continue the work of
2017/2018 - a significant moment for all who were there! Then came the
opportunity for the audience to ask Simon Stevens, Jonathan Valabhji and Partha Kar
questions...a chance for the Healthcare Professionals in the room to clarify,
question and ask the Panel for further detail which they grabbed with both
hands. For an 'outsider' (in terms of not being a Healthcare Professional
myself) watching numbers of the audience stepping up to the microphone, it
showed me the passion and drive of the Healthcare Professionals to want to deliver
the best care they possibly can. Seeing this format where speakers gave
opportunities to be questions was echoed throughout every session I was a part
of – a really good approach for engagement and to help those in the sessions
cement their ideas on how to drive through changes where needed.
Following on from the strong start to the day, I tried to
cover as many sessions as I could. Keen to find out as much as possible about
the work going on around the UK. This was an approach I took for the whole 3
days of the first conference and even to the Insider event. I wanted to make
the most of the access to research information by speaking to the presenters
and discussing it in the breaks.
So what sessions did i go to? Well let's just say that I
covered an array of topics over the whole conference including the session on
the REPOSE trial, a lecture on ‘Getting the measure of diabetes’, Diabetes
education (self-management) and the ABCD Type 1 Diabetes Clinical
Collaborative-UK sessions just in the first day. On day two I attended other
sessions including but not limited to a lecture on ‘getting the diagnosis right’,
infection in the diabetic foot, Education in diabetes and closed-loop systems.
The final day saw me joining the first session on sleep followed by lectures on
immune pathogenesis of Type 1 diabetes, translating DiRECT into practice, TZDs,
social media and patient engagement, Technology updates and ‘exercise and
This is by no means an exhaustive list...with so many other
sessions attended, with some run by the diabetes technology companies.
try and cover everything I learnt, heard and discussed over the 3 days of the
DUKPC would be nigh on impossible, but what I can share are the feelings,
key themes and ‘take-home’ messages from both the speakers and the whole
conference. So here it goes...
1. The research is happening...and not just in a lab!
the whole conference, there was an extraordinary focus on the developments and
roll-out of research from the laboratories to trials with patients. This is not
to say that there isn't some wonderful and extensive research going on in the
universities and laboratories in the UK and around the world, but more to say
that 'real-life data' was a buzzword of many sessions with patient's being a
huge focus in rolling the trials of various approaches out into the lives of
others living with diabetes.
2. Technology is here to stay
were many sessions on CGMs, insulin pumps and closed-loop systems throughout
the conference which was great to hear and be a part of, as well as the launch
of the Diabetes Technology Network who also shared good practice guides at the
event. However, it was recognised that it has to the right technology for the right person.
This is where technology being
looked at in the wider sense of the word became a big focus of a few
presentations with Apps, Social Media and digital approaches being mentioned as
the future approach for Healthcare Professionals to engage with patients and
for our own self-management. It was also uplifting to hear charities such as
Diabetes UK being recognised as one of the driving forces in helping patients
access appropriate technology as well as #gbdoc amongst other hashtags and
communities being mentioned during the 3 days too!
3. Psychological support is needed, in all its forms...
those of you with diabetes, this will one will most probably not come as any
surprise, however it was refreshing to hear from various Healthcare
Professionals first-hand that they appreciated the need for additional
psychological support within diabetes care. Additionally, they also recognised
the huge role that peer-support, whether online or face-to-face plays in this,
with ‘meet ups’ for those with diabetes being referred to on a number of
occasions as a mechanism for this peer support and shared-understanding.
4. Education - the key to success
was mentioned as a subject on its own in a few sessions (education for
professionals as well as structured and self-management education for
people with diabetes). Furthermore, as I travelled through a variety of
different sessions, education seemed to be mentioned time and time again. There
are many strengths to the education provided currently, however there were
suggestions and ideas proposed about the use of digital platforms in
disseminating information, as well as the different methods that education
can take - whether self-directed, led by people with diabetes or through online
Apps and portals. Whatever the mode chosen, it was agreed and even voted on in
one session (through a show of hands) that education is key for everyone and that
through it, the best approaches/ care and use of the correct tools and
technologies can be unlocked.
5. Patient involvement is important and essential
it's trials of new approaches, local studies, psychological support or
professional education - people with diabetes were seen as the pivotal part to
this. Sharing our experiences and day-to-day tactics, the 'trial and
errors' we go through, 'the good, the bad and the ugly' of our diabetes
journeys as well as the great approaches and attention that we receive for
different elements of our diabetes care. Our unique perspective was
respected and acknowledged, with some of the talks with the most impact
being those that involved both a Healthcare Professional and a person with
diabetes talking side-by-side on the same topic.
As you would expect, these points above were replicated to
one degree or another in the DUKPCInsider event on the Saturday.
The speakers
at this event were again from a range of backgrounds with differing areas of
expertise within the field of diabetes. I think that there was a great spread of
topics relating to the DUKPC with sessions relating to people in all parts of
their diabetes journey and interests – diabetes and pregnancy, psychological
support and Type 2 diabetes, the tech revolution, diagnosis matters, DiRECT
route and Social Media being just a few of the sessions.
the opportunity to ask the speakers questions was a highlight of the session
with a full 25 minutes of questions from the audience for the Panel at the end
of the day.
Also, like to the DUKPC, there were a mix of people with diabetes and
Healthcare Professionals delivering talks which proved to be a popular approach.
From a
personal perspective, I again learned a lot from this conference from hearing different
sessions to those I attended, by hearing the Q&A sessions and by sharing experiences
with both the people with diabetes in the room and the Healthcare Professionals
who sat and chatted.
was a great event and success in my personal opinion – I hope that Diabetes UK
build on this and run a similar event next year to compliment and feedback from
the DUKPC!
To round off my post, I would like to say that I am very grateful to Diabetes UK for allowing me to attend both of these conferences and would like to thank them for all their support, from start to finish.
To round off my post, I would like to say that I am very grateful to Diabetes UK for allowing me to attend both of these conferences and would like to thank them for all their support, from start to finish.
would also like to say a personal thank you to Chris Askew and to Dai Williams
for their support throughout the conference. Additionally, I would like to
thank the many, many Healthcare and Diabetes Professionals who gave up their
time to chat to me and to have the occasional selfie, or two.
you all for the amazing work you do and your enthusiasm to keep striving
again, thank you to all the lovely people who have been messaging me and
engaging with my tweets throughout my time at the conferences. I hope I did you
proud… x
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